TB Biostatistics April Office Hours

Monday, April 07, 2025 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET
TB Biostatistics April Office Hours
Speaker: Bareng Aletta Sanny Nonyane, PhD, MSc

The JHU TRAC is now offering monthly TB Biostatistics Drop-in Office Hours! Have a quick question or not sure where to start? We want to help you earlier in the process of designing your study/manuscript. TB Biostats Office Hours are intended to provide a space for earlier engagement, especially if you are unsure of whether you are ready to request a formal consultation. 

Who? Anyone working in TB research at JHU (students, faculty, staff, trainees, etc.) 

What? Any statistical questions relating to research study design and protocol development (including sample size justification, randomization, sampling, development of statistical analysis plans), statistical analysis and interpretation, manuscript and report preparation, or independent statistical reviews. 

Our TB Biostats Office Hours are intended to help with questions that can be addressed in 20 minutes or less. For more involved consultations, investigators are encouraged to request a formal consultation here. TRAC services are free and open to all JHU TB investigators. 

How? Participants can sign up to reserve a 20 minute slot. Unreserved slots are open to drop-ins on a first-come, first-served basis. If all slots are taken, please email ywoyome1@jhu.edu to be added to the waitlist. Sign up to reserve your time here.

While not required, participants are encouraged to submit questions by COB on the Thursday, April 4th in order to allow for more targeted discussion. Questions and supportive materials/research aims can be shared ahead of time to JHUCTB@jhmi.edu. Submitting questions prior to the session will allow for more targeted discussion 

Where & When? Online via Zoom. The next session is May from 2:00-3:00pm ET. 

Meeting ID: 964 3230 3058

Why? We want to help you earlier in the process of designing your study/manuscript. TB Biostats Office Hours are intended to provide a space for earlier engagement, especially if you are unsure of whether you are ready to request a formal consultation. 

Questions? Email Yvonne Woyome, ywoyome1@jhu.edu

Office hours coming up in May 2025!