TRAC Seminar Series
Thursday, March 16, 2023 | 12pm - 1pm
Exploring sources of variability in host responses to Mtb
Speaker: Eileen Scully, MD, PhD
Please join us for the weekly Tuberculosis Research Advancement Center (TRAC) Seminar Series from 12:00 – 1:00 PM ET in CRB-2, 1M.13 or via Zoom:
Eileen Scully, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Dr. Scully is an Infectious Disease physician primarily focused on the care of people living with HIV and an immunologist. Her research focuses on the innate immune system in the immunopathogenesis of infections with a special interest in the role of biological sex in shaping host responses.
The March TRAC Seminar Series is presented by the Microbiology, Immunology, Animal Modeling and Imaging Core on “The host in TB drug development.”