TRAC Seminar Series
Please join us for the weekly Tuberculosis Research Advancement Center (TRAC) Seminar Series from 12:00 – 1:00 PM ET in CRB-2, 1M.13 or via Zoom: | Add to Calendar
Janice K Louie, MD, MPH
Medical Director, San Francisco Department of Public Health Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program
Assistant Clinical Professor in the University of California San Francisco Department of Medicine
Dr. Janice Louie is Medical Director of the San Francisco Department of Public Health Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program, and Assistant Clinical Professor in the University of California San Francisco Department of Medicine where she performs Infectious Disease Consultation. Her primary focus is to ensure continued excellence in the clinical management of tuberculosis, provide mentorship and training to fellows, residents and other trainees, and advancing clinical practices in tuberculosis with a focus on the elderly.
The April TRAC Seminar Series is presented by the TRAC Clinical Core on “Updates from NAR (The Union – North American Region) Conference.”