TRAC Seminar Series

Thursday, September 07, 2023 | 12pm - 1pm ET
Ethical Considerations in Developing Guidelines for TB Isolation
Speaker: Olivia Kates, MD, MA

Please join us for the weekly Tuberculosis Research Advancement Center (TRAC) Seminar Series from 12:00 – 1:00 PM ET in CRB-2, 1M.13 or via Zoom: | Add to Calendar

Olivia Kates, MD, MA

Olivia Kates, MD, MA
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Disease, Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Kates is an  Assistant Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins in Transplant Infectious Diseases and a bioethicist with the Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins. She studies ethical challenges in infectious diseases and organ transplantation, including pre-transplant vaccination requirements, liver transplantation for people who consume alcohol, and xenotransplantation, and is currently working with a multi-disciplinary group to develop ethically informed guidelines for TB isolation.

The September TRAC Seminar Series is presented by the Administrative Core.