The 14th Annual George W. Comstock Lecture and World TB Day Presentation

Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 12pm - 1pm
Counting children with tuberculosis: A biosocial perspective
Speaker: Mercedes C. Becerra, ScD

Albert H. Owens Auditorium, CRB-2 | Zoom | Add to Calendar
RSVP here for lunch by noon on Tuesday, 3/21

Established in 2008 to honor Dr. George W. Comstock’s lifetime of work in public health and tuberculosis control, this annual lecture given by distinguished leaders addresses important public health issues in global tuberculosis control.

Mercedes C. Becerra, ScD

Jeffrey Cheah Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Senior Epidemiologist, Partners In Health

Mercedes C. Becerra, ScD, is the Jeffrey Cheah Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and the Faculty Dean of Adams House at Harvard College. She is also a Senior Epidemiologist with Partners In Health, the international solidarity organization that works alongside communities to fight disease and poverty. Professor Becerra is part of the team that built Partners In Health’s tuberculosis (TB) program in Peru, where she has worked for more than 25 years. Alongside collaborators in Peru and Pakistan, her research has focused on improving the treatment of drug-resistant TB, strategies to detect TB in children, and strategies to treat and prevent TB in children and adults exposed at home to this airborne infection. Professor Becerra is co-founder of the Sentinel Project on Pediatric Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis— a network of clinicians, investigators, and advocates who collaborate to share evidence and resources that can increase children’s access to prompt and effective treatment. Professor Becerra is also a co-founder of the Zero TB Initiative— a global consortium of local coalitions working to drive down TB rates, one community at a time.